Art Therapy in Rochester New York

Have you ever thought that you’d like to learn more creative ways to express and understand yourself by use of intuition and unconsciousness… but you don’t know where to start? 

Or maybe you’ve had another therapy experience where you felt stuck just talking, like you don’t know what to bring up next or where to focus? Like everything is important enough to mention in your therapy session while simultaneously nothing seems important enough?

Art Therapy may help you move forward!

Interested in what Art Therapy could do for you? Call or text me at (585)-622-4054 or message me using the form below today! 


Ok Colleen, great, but what actually IS Art Therapy? 

So glad you asked! Art Therapy is a psychotherapeutic practice that is a blend of psychotherapy and art making which aims to help address a wide range of emotional issues and can help move the therapeutic process along through greater authentic self-expression and use of symbolism. It can be affective to use with anyone, and you don’t have to have any artistic background to gain benefit.


How do I know if I should try it?

…Ask me! 

Art therapists can differ widely in their approach, but I find it most useful for adults as a tool of self-care, self-reflection, and self-growth. Sometimes talk therapy doesn’t feel like its digging deep enough, and so Art Therapy can step in. 


Art Therapy techniques can be incorporated into your regular Individual Sessions or even Telehealth sessions on a regular or intermittent basis, or not at all. 

There is never any pressure to use Art Therapy in your time with me, and it would be something that you and I would decide upon together. 

So, do we have to do art? Nope. You choose your goals and I will be a guide in that journey. 

Want to learn more? 

Call (585)-622-4054 or message me using the form below today to get started!

Ignatowski Therapy